Have you moved beyond one size fits all solutions and quick fixes?
The National Center for Innovation and Transformation in Education (NCITE) offers a dramatic leap forward in place-sensitive systemic transformation that advances outcomes for all.
NCITE is an action-oriented national network of schools, districts, communities and other educational entities with the primary goal of building local capacity to solve personalized educational problems of practice and to share those solutions across the network and beyond.
NCITE’s mission is to build sustainable educational models that:
- Empower collaboration and innovation across schools, districts, and states.
- Build internal capacity to utilize and share effective processes, protocols and models.
- Measure evidence and impact to determine ongoing improvement.
- Engage partners to accelerate progress, transform practices and systems in response to need.
- Establish and expand partnerships, networks, and services to students
NCITE Empowers a Systemic, Responsive Change in School Culture.
Where everyone is a LEADER, LEARNER and MAKER.

The acronym NCITE is used to identify ourselves not just because it is quicker to say in conversation but also because it is pronounced exactly the same as two words whose definitions serve to clarify our “Why.”
In-sight (noun): the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding.
In-cite (verb): to encourage or “stir up” with a purpose.
NCITE is driven by a fierce belief that education is critical to a vibrant, sustainable future and must include deliberate focus on equity, access, opportunity, outcomes, evidence, impact, strengths versus deficits, advocacy, and talent. In short, we believe that everyone is simultaneously a LEARNER, a LEADER and a MAKER.